Promoting Environmental Education

The seventh objective of EcoFamily is to promote environmental education at all levels.


Research shows that many young children are at risk of never developing positive attitudes and feelings toward the natural environment or achieving a healthy degree of competency on the environmental literacy continuum ( Disinger & Roth, 1992). Attention to environmental education at the early childhood level as linked towards higher level is proposed as a partial antidote to this concern. Therefore, the following are to be done by EcoFamily-Tanzania;

  • To advocate and negotiate for environmental education in schools by establishing School Environmental Clubs. EcoFamily seeks to motivate students to care for their nature and encourage them to actively participate in environmental conservation through designing Environmental Clubs involving environmental competitions, etc.
  • Inauguration of Campaign for Disseminating Environmental Information and Environmental Education through a Radio and TV Program;
  • Knowledge Enhancement through Action-oriented Learning in the Environment;
  • Promote Environmental Education in the Environment for Children in the Urban and Rural Areas;
  • Linking Schools across Local, National and International Borders with ICT for Environmental Education;